Hi, I’m Noah

My day job involves telling stories with data at Onaroll, but my goal with this blog is to showcase my personal projects and share anything else on my mind. I’d love to hear from you at one of the many places to reach me below! If you would like to learn more about me, check out my about page!
forest and fog

How to Carbon Tax Yourself

Update, 2023-01-06: Thank you to u/PlatosCaveSlave on Reddit for the great point about the affordability of this method of carbon “taxing”: While that’s great if you are wealthy… there is co [no] way I could afford to do this. And also how about the fact the burden of responsibility here should be on huge corps to paybfornthis [pay for this]. Not everyday people. This is a method that has worked great for myself and my family’s situation, but donations to climate-focused organizations are just one of the many ways to affect change....

December 4, 2022 · 3 min
police lights

An Analysis of Police Stops and Race in Minneapolis

This is the first post in my Georgia Tech series, which is where I will post the blog-like assignments that I had to write as a part of my coursework. Much of the technical work of the original writeup has been removed to better cater to a broader audience. Introduction This post was originally written in December of 2021 as a part of my final report for a Data Mining and Statistical Learning course at Georgia Tech....

June 19, 2022 · 10 min

Why I Moved My Blog from Hashnode to Hugo and Why Hashnode is Better

Update, 2022-02-25: I’ve since moved to the Papermod theme but still feel the same about the Bear Blog theme and the thoughts expressed in this post! I recently moved my one post to a blog that was more custom and managed by me using Hugo + the Bear Blog theme, instead of the very awesome and easy-to-use platform Hashnode. This isn’t a tutorial of how I moved from Hashnode, but more of my thoughts on why I did it for a few bad reasons....

June 12, 2022 · 6 min